Monday, December 20, 2010

Done, done and done (is it really done??)

I think I've been in a bit of denial that day 90 has come and gone.  Was it really only 3ish months ago that I was thinking of starting this thing??  Wow.  Still haven't gotten my head around what I want to say, but I'm a born procrastinator, so I guess I'd just better JFD this thing!  Unedited mind-dump to follow...

This post is a tribute to all of the inanimate objects that helped me get through the PCP.  Here's the list - although I'm sure I'm forgetting something (but since they're inanimate objects, none will be offended - love how that works)...  Future PCPers - consider this an addendum to "must have" list Patrick sent out on Day 2.

1. Jelly roll pans - I have these for baking, but used 2 or 3 almost every day to roast any/all veggies of every shape and size (also helpful - a giant roll of aluminum foil)
2. My BlackBerry - for both its timer/stopwatch function and the Pandora app. (Apologies to my neighbors who may have heard crappy 80s music blaring from it at 7 in the morning)
3. Balsamic vinegar - I went through a giant bottle of it in 2 months.  And I still love it - go figure
4. Avocado saver - this was a gift from the fabulous Sarah, and got lots and lots of use  
5. My blender
6. The best jump rope in the whole wide world - only took me 1 month of tripping over a crappy one to figure this out.  New PCPers, save yourself some time and get this one from the beginning!!!
7. Glasslock food storage containers - I have two sets of these and they were in constant rotation with veggies, protein, etc.  Highly recommend.
8. COFFEE!!!!  I couldn't have done this without you.  Really. 
9. Bananas - you were my go-to fruit for 90% of this. I know variety is key, but nothing beats a banana, milk and cinnamon smoothie! 

Check out the photo my husband posted on his facebook page last week.  I didn't really want the attention (and I probably would have chosen a more flattering jump rope photo), but how often does your husband warn others that you can kick their ass???

The before and after...
Day 1                                                             Day 36                                                         Day 90ish

Day 1                                                         Day 36                                                          Day 90(ish)

I think I'm going to have to burn that bathing suit now..

Here's me and my "skills" - funny how I felt like I was jumping MUCH faster than I actually am.  If I knew how to edit, I make this much shorter....

Thanks to Patrick for your guru-like fabulousness.  Nice to know that you're always there, many time zones away, to provide support, advice and some "get your act together-ness" when we/me needed it.
Chen - thanks for all the behind the scenes things you do - and for giving me AMAYW veggies very early in the program:)
All the teams before us, especially Sarah - thanks for laying it all out there - giving the nitty gritty of all things PCP and providing the inspiration for me to do, and finish, this!!!
Team Orange Crush - you guys made AMAZING transformations and it's been fun going on this ride with you.
My swonderful husband - thanks for giving me all of your support and space and time I needed to do this, and do it well.  It wouldn't have been possible without you (and yes, I forgive you for finishing my leftover protein and vegetables on more than one occasion)
And finally, Team Cookie Monster/Team JFD - you guys were great.  I love what a diverse group we were, and really appreciate all of your support, blog posts, photos, etc. etc...  let's meet up sometime and have a giant jump rope fest, shall we??

JFD, guys, JFD.

Holy shit - that's me??  Neato!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Final post is coming!!!

Still getting my head around what I want to say/do for my final post, but just read this article in the NY Times and wanted to share.  Another study has shown the benefits to exercising first thing in the AM.  Patrick, your finger is on the pulse, my friend!
Phys Ed: The Benefits of Exercising Before Breakfast

Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 90 - I am DONE

I had a homemade chocolate chip cookie for breakfast.  more to come.....

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Everyone's working out now

Even my 4 year old.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Day 89 - plans, part deux

So I never made it gym hopping, my post-Hanukkah returns to various stores and grocery shopping ate up most of my morning/early afternoon.  But there was a rain-free window around 4 this afternoon and I got to jump outside.  Bliss.  It's really warm here today (50ish degrees F) so I tried to make the most out of it.  Photos and videos of all my fancy jumping moves to come.

Just finished the last superset and wow - I almost didn't make it!  I do like them, I like the speediness/intensity of them - my basement looked a little like an obstacle course for the first half of them:) Music was blasting through the second half of the sets and I'd like to thank Pandora's Greatest Hits of the 80s for helping me to get through them (Come On Eileen, Need You Tonight, Sunglasses at Night) total cheese, I know, but it worked!!!  That, and doing the final reps with my eyes closed - not sure why but that made a huge difference.


Day 89 - Plans

My favorite saying has always been, "Want to hear God laugh? Tell him your plans."  My plan today, on my last "real" day of the PCP, was to get up, jump rope outside in front of my house as usual, bang out my workout and get on with my day.

Woke up in a cozy bed around 8am (after being peed on by my 4 yr old - don't ask) and seeing pouring rain outside.  Jumping rope first thing? Out.

Have a ton of errands today and will start on those, including a trip to the local gym.  My new "plan" is to gym hop to a number of local places to find a place that will let me work out for free today.  I don't really have interest in doing the supersets outside of the comfort of my basement, but I would like a place to jump rope that doesn't involve moving tons of furniture.

Wish me luck.  And jfd!